European Primitive Guitar (1974 - 1987) | Kianjuki - Embu, Kenya

European Primitive Guitar (1974 - 1987) | Kianjuki - Embu, Kenya

European Primitive Guitar (1974 - 1987)

Around this time in 2022 we sent out a beautifully sad record put together by the folks at NTS records called Down and Out. It’s one of my absolute favorites. That’s why I’m psyched to bring back another dynamite compilation from NTS again. European Primitive Guitar is a collection of instrumental tunes inspired by the American Primitive Guitar stylings pioneered by John Fahey in the 1950s. Though inspired, this record still covers so much ground - so many styles and vibes. It really runs the gamut, if you will, all the while remaining a perfectly chill fall record. A real good soundtrack for all those leaves a-blowing in the wind if you will.

Kianjuki - Embu, Kenya

There are 800 farmers who deliver their cherry to the Kianjuki Factory. The factory is owned and operated by the Kirurumwe Farmers’ Cooperative Society (FCS), which is situated in Makengi, Embu County. Founded in 1963, the society now operates three factories. In total, Kirurumwe FCS processes and sells about 25% of all the coffee produced by smallholder farmers in the region. Coffee at Kianjuki is handpicked at peak ripeness and taken to the factory where they are sorted. It is then pulped and fermented for 12-16 hours before being washed in clean water and dried on raised beds for 7-14 days. This is our first time buying from Kianjuki and hope to dig in more in the coming years. Kenyan coffees are sorted by size with AA being the largest. This here is an AA lot. The cup is complex with plenty of sweetness. You'll taste melon, caramel, lime and even a little cherry tomato.

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